Lionel Derimais IMAGES

editorial & commercial photographer / videographer

Lionel Derimais specialises in editorial & corporate (portraits, annual reports) photography. Based in London since 2012 after 5 years in China, he brings his long experience and his professionalism to your projects.

A photographer for over 40 years, he has worked in NYC (studied photography at the I.C.P – the International Center of Photography in NYC), London, Tokyo, Brussels, Barcelona and Paris before moving to China. While based in Beijing he worked extensively throughout the Asia-Pacific region, including India, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Dubai, Singapore, Japan, Indonesia, Australia and Hong Kong.

As evident by his pictures, Lionel’s favorite subjects are people and their activities. He has also compiled an impressive corporate portraits portfolio, which is available online. 

Over the years his work has been published in newspapers, magazines and agencies such as Getty Images, Bloomberg Markets, National Geographic France, New York Times, International Herald Tribune, Los Angeles Times, El País, Reader’s Digest, Fortune Magazine, The Times, Courrier Cadres, Viva, l’Express and Paris-Match to name a few.

Corporate references: Ferrovial, Nikon, BNP Paribas, Total, The London Stock Exchange, Boston Consulting Group, Intel, CNN, Bechtel,…

Lionel’s video work can be seen by clicking on the link below – since October 2016 he has worked on a personal project – a series of 70+ video interviews – called The Road to Brexit as well as other projects:(